Subject to pandemic public policy changes which will be reflected here as soon as possible, All of You Wellness Centre remains open. In-person and virtual appointments are booked at the discretion of individual Practitioners.
Clients requesting in-person appointments are required to:
arrive no more than 5 minutes before the time of their appointment.
sign a one-time perpetual waiver of responsibility holding the Clinic harmless for the risk of contracting COVID-19 that take in seeking in-person services, and providing name(s), phone and email for contract tracing purposes.
wear a mask at all times while in the Clinic if that is the current policy. Ask your Practitioner. Masks are available for purchase from Reception if needed; exact cash or debit payment only.
not bring food or drink other than water into the Clinic.
leave promptly at the end of their appointment.
All of You Wellness Centre is taking the following precautions to ensure the safety of our Staff, Practitioners and their Clients:
Practitioners and Staff are masked at all times in the Clinic if that is the current public policy for health care settings.
only larger treatment spaces are in use to ensure adequate physical distancing.
air filtration equipment is in use in all treatment spaces and waiting area.
no treatment space used for back-to-back appointments (even if the Practitioner is the same) in order to allow time for cleaning, ventilation and air filtration.