The Psychotherapy Services offered at All of You Wellness Centre differ by modality and the nature of the problems they address. Some modalities offered at All of You include CBT, DBT, EMDR, Gestalt Therapy, narrative, etc. Some presenting problems for which psychotherapy is a treatment include addiction recovery, anger management, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, gender dysphoria, relationship problems, personality disorders, AD/HD, OCD, bipolar disorder, etc. Your choice of practitioner from our team should include consideration of the modality with which you are most comfortable and the nature of the problem you wish to address.
It is important to approach psychotherapy with a participatory mind set and appropriate expectations. While it is true that psychotherapy is a form of health care, it differs from medicine. While in some instances in medicine, treatment may be passively received by the patient, psychotherapy, to be successful, requires the engagement of the client in the process. You will likely be asked by your psychotherapist to do certain things between sessions which are important for your progress.